As part of our yearly nanny training week we work together with Miki from My Parent Toolkit. Our nannies always rave about Miki’s workshop and gain so much from her teachings. We all go into the winter season with a better understanding of children and tools to enhance cooperation and make our job even more fun!
Miki is a certified Parent Practice educator and has a background in Psychology, Business, Child Development, and Holistic Therapy.
She is passionate about empowering parents with inner confidence, positive strategies, and pragmatic tools to successfully navigate and manage everyday family life.
Miki offers online parenting programs and virtual private coaching packages to parents worldwide through MyParentToolkit.com.
Over the past year myself and my husband Adam enrolled in one of Miki’s courses and it has been incredibly beneficial to us as a family. The decision to invest in the Next Level program with Miki was not down to complete despair, hitting rock bottom as a family or being completely fed up. Though these are some of the reasons families might want to look at The Parent Toolkit coaching, it isn’t only for families or parents that feel like they are struggling- we just knew things could be better than they were. There is so much for any parent to gain from The Parent Toolkit courses!
We have three children and as I’m sure any parent knows, life can get a bit hectic at times. We used the extra time we had due to COVID to go through the course content and we had monthly calls with Miki to go over the framework and anything in particular that was coming up for us that month. Family life is always changing so it was so useful to complete the course over a period of time where we could cover so many different scenarios with so many different resources that Miki offers.
We have both worked with children for the past 12+ years so we have a good understanding of children, but when it comes to parenting it’s so important that both parents are on the same page, and this was something the course did for us. The course doesn’t mean changing our families values, but incorporating them in what we were doing.
We have come away with a much greater understanding of our children and even more importantly, ourselves as parents. There was a turning point in the course where we realised this isn’t all about the children, it’s about us! Children will always have big emotions, some sibling rivalry and create testing situations, however once we as parents have the tools to deal with this we can create the family environment we are looking for. I was hoping to feel less stressed and burnt out and create a calm atmosphere at home. I now know how to do that, spoiler alert- so much of that includes looking after myself!
I can’t tell you my children are perfectly behaved or you won’t catch me on an unorganised day in the park without snacks. There will always be times where we take on too much, don’t feel prepared or our children are reaching out for attention. Asking anything else would be impossible, but I can say my continual learning of conscious parenting has been 100% worth it and I have enjoyed seeing the changes in both of us.
Amongst our Petit Verbier team we love to discuss different scenarios, ideas to pass on to other nannies and reflect on how our day/week has been working with children. So often we come back to what would Miki say/do. It has become one of the key elements to our work with children and as nannies and parents we are continually learning and taking steps to be the best we can be at our jobs.
If you are interested in knowing more, you can find Miki’s free guide on “10 simple ways to transform your parenting” here. Discover 10 simple strategies to transform your parenting and empower you to parent positively and help your children be their best selves.